Ubuntu Studio 11.10 and the Goals for 12.04

Robin Darlington robin.darlington at free.fr
Mon Oct 24 11:02:40 UTC 2011

I have been using Ubuntu Studio for several years now and I love it, Ardour
is my favorite daw... I have stayed with 10.04 + LXDE though because it is
pretty stable and my laptop is 6 years old so I fear that upgrading the
system will slow things down too much.

I would happily help with, or take care of, updating the website (depending
on how much there is to do). Building and maintaining web pages is something
I am pretty good at, so I feel this is a way I can contribute. You can check
my work here : http://pranawebdesign.com

Please send me instructions on what there is to do and how to join in. Is
there a separate mailing list or something for people contributing to the



On 24 October 2011 04:08, Scott Lavender <scottalavender at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ubuntu Studio 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" is released and I offer these
> simple, direct reflections about it and the future. As usual, it seems
> my tenor is positive and upbeat, despite the somewhat dismal context.
> Epitomizing simple and direct statements: this is kinda a 'meh'
> release and it's my fault.  Fundamentally I believe this to be a
> stable and functional release. But it has an unfinished or unpolished
> look due to the XFCE transition remaining incomplete.
> The team suffered some difficulties this cycle, but it is still my
> responsibility and, therefore, my fault.  However, reflections have
> given way to some insight on deficiencies and yielded some plans to
> action that should improve our state.
> Among these deficiencies we experienced:
> * our goals and scope were too large
> * our efforts were unfocused and not efficient
> * started late in development cycle
> * most new contributors failed to have an impact
> * code changes lacked follow through
> So, how will we improve these concerns?
> Goals/scope to large - We were trying to fix everything and ended up
> almost completing nothing. We are narrowing our focus for the upcoming
> release, focusing on what we feel are the minimal priorities in order
> to yield a quality release.
> Unfocused, inefficient efforts - It is hard to focus on what to fix
> and how to fix it without a plan. Using blueprints, creating
> specifications, developing and assigning a sequential plan of action
> should help focus our attentions where they are needed and give us the
> efficiency these goals deserve. This also provides the structure and
> support for others to assist.
> Late Start - This is easy...start earlier! And having a well thought
> out and documented plan helps. The small scope and blueprints with
> specifications and steps are inspiring and development has already
> begun!
> New contributor's lacking impact - This may have been the most
> frustrating deficiency of all. Obviously the public solicitation of
> contributors is working, but the tools are lacking to engage and
> support them. Much like the blueprints, a wiki page for future
> contributors is being created that includes a listing of topics
> requiring contribution, background on those topics, and steps
> necessary to complete them.
> Code changes uncompleted - This could be summarized as the lack of
> getting our bzr branch updates pushed to the repository. The fix is a
> double pronged attack; working more directly with sponsors and
> developing repository permissions for specific team members. The
> former will yield results quicker and the later will allow more
> control but take longer to acquire.
> So what are our goals? There are few and they are prioritized roughly
> in the following descending order:
> * updating website [1]
> * -lowlatency kernel shipped as default [2]
> * completing the XFCE transition (including icons and theme)
> * live dvd [3]
> * updating the LightDM theme
> Updating the website may be a surprise as the first item, but the
> current website makes it seem like the project is abandoned. The
> update is already in progress and should take a nominal amount of time
> to accomplish.
> Shipping a tuned kernel for audio work is befitting a multimedia
> distribution, hence the second positioning. This one probably has the
> most difficulty to it and will almost certainly take a lot of
> navigating to complete.
> Completing the XFCE transition should not require much explanation. I
> imagine we will lean heavily on what the Xubuntu team has already done
> so we can complete this task as efficiently as possible.
> A live dvd has been a desire for a while. This would ideally include
> dropping the alternate installation image but hopefully also include
> Edubuntu's ability to allow the user to select specific components for
> installation via a GUI. Think of the later as the ability to select
> specific work flows [4] during installation, e.g. recording a band,
> creating music with synths/sequencers, podcasting, DJ'ing, film making
> and creating videos.
> Updating the LightDM them should also not require much explanation.
> The LightDM used by Ubuntu Desktop looks nice so I am once again going
> advocating we steal as much as we can to make our efforts efficient.
> This may seem like a straightforward, obvious, and diminutive list. It
> is! That's the point. These are the goals that we think we can
> accomplish that will make Ubuntu Studio 12.04 LTS release something of
> which to be proud.
> Lastly, I alluded to some team difficulties and attrition. We have
> suffered that. But we have also gained some very talented assistance
> as well. I hope to discuss them and their contributions next post.
> ScottL
> [1]
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/update-ubuntustudio-website
> [2]
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/lowlatency-kernel-in-repos
> [3] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/livedvd
> [4] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows
> --
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