Has somebody a stable Ubuntu Studio NATTY 64-bit?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Mon May 30 00:40:28 UTC 2011

On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 20:08 -0400, Karl Giesing wrote:
> OT reply:
> > IMO 48 KHz
> > should be enough for home recording, below there's audible loss, but if
> > the analog IOs and AD/DA converters are ok, 48 KHz even for professional
> > studios should be high enough for nearly every kind of production.
> IMHO, if you can't go higher than 48KHz, then I'd actually stick with 44.1KHz throughout the entire production flow, assuming that's going to be your final sample rate.
> Downsampling from 48K to 44K actually causes some artifacts in the higher registers. They occur in all downsampling algorithms, but they actually sound worse because the sample rates are so close together. Whatever audio quality you get from 48K vs. 44K is negligible, in my opinion, and won't offset the degradation from downsampling.
> Of course, if you can go much higher (like 96K or 128K), then it's certainly worth it.
> That's just my opinion, of course.
> -Karl.

Btw. some cards generate a better sound quality at some sample rates,
regarding to their microchips, not regarding to Nyquist issues etc..

Hm? When using 32-bit float will there be 'loss' too? I (nearly) always
kept 96 KHz and 48 KHz recordings at those sample rates. But of cause,
burning an audio CD is interesting for me too, I just had many issues
with Linux audio, regarding to the sound quality. For professional
Studios as far as I remember we had a combination of Neve + Sony digital
recorders, that if I remember correctly, were at 48 KHz and perhaps
16-bit 'non-float', but to be honest, I never heard a CD. CDs and MP3s
always do sound disgusting. When I did jobs I usually had good luck and
could use analog equipment.

-- Ralf

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