PPAs and other add-ons [was: Re: Ubuntu Studio Developer Meeting]

Janne Jokitalo astraljava at kapsi.fi
Sat May 7 11:45:18 UTC 2011

On Sat, May 07, 2011 at 05:19:24AM -0500, Kenneth Koym wrote:
> Hi: Whereas I cannot join your 7 AM developer meeting due to another major
> medical, let me reiterate I've faced many crashes and losses of valuable
> non-developer productions using PPA add ons i.e., falkTx's kxstudio
> 10.04.02. I strongly urge Natty developers to devise means for the
> non-developers who continually depend on your great work to in all means
> possible, find some ways to separate final products from products that
> remain under testing.

I don't understand this at all. Are you proposing us to take actions on the
mechanics of Ubuntu infrastructure?

You do realize that we have no means to stop users from adding additional
repositories, which bring untested software that affect the system stability?

If you do, then could you please elaborate a little further of your intentions?


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