Automating UBS Setup for a project ...

Rolf Krüger rolf-krueger at
Sat Jan 8 12:45:41 UTC 2011

Hi All,

When producing a song, I always use several apps on UBS:
 - qjackctl
 - ardour (outs connected to jamin, not to my soundcards system out)
 - Muse (for Midi) (routing the outputs to busses in ardour, the outs of
muse are never connected to my soundcards system out)
 - Hydrogen (routing the outputs to busses in ardour, the outs of
hydrogen are never connected to my soundcards system out)
 - jamin (connected to the master outs of ardour, set to bypass during
recording/mixing, only acive when mastering)

Is there a way to automate/script the setup for a song so that all apps
are up and running, have loaded the appropriate data files and routed
correctly by running a single shell script?
I found out that I´m able to script jack and do the connections, but I
have no idea to have muse, hydrogen or jamin with the proper data files.

Thanx in advance

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