Kubuntu 10.10 and real-time kernel

Alexandros Bitoulas albitoulas at yahoo.gr
Sat Feb 26 20:16:32 UTC 2011

Hello everybody!

I run kubuntu 10.10 with 2.6.35-25-generic kernel and I am very pleased and 
enthusiast about it's aesthetic feel. 

However, I want to record live my guitar. With this kernel, the latency that I 
get in Jack, (with 512 frames/period, 44100 Sample Rate and 2 Periods/Buffer) 
is 23.2 msec which is a little bit annoying. If I lower the Frames to 256 I 
get 11.6 but I have many Xruns.

So, I am thinking to install the realtime kernel. The question is: are Kubuntu 
10.10 and real-time kernel full compatible with each other? Do I need to make 
any considerations/modifications in my system before installing the real-time 
kernel. Did anyone had any problems with Kubuntu 10.10 and real-time kernel?

I searched on the web and I only found some generic comments like "that KDE 
isn't suitable for audio production", but with no serious support that 
validate those comments.

I am looking forward to your replies and comments!

Thank you in advance,


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