From an audio-cd into Ardour

Pablo Fernández pablo.fbus at
Sat Apr 9 10:39:07 UTC 2011

El 09/04/11 11:55, Erik Rasmussen escribió:
> Giuliano,
> If Ardour can import audio directly from an Audio CD, I'd love to know
> how, (because I have not seen such a feature in Ardour yet).
> When extracting audio from an Audio CD, I like to use *Sound Juicer*.
> It is available in the Ubuntu Software Center, calling it *Audio CD
> Extractor*.
> I prefer to store high quality audio files in the lossless FLAC
> format, which Sound Juicer supports.
> Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) takes up much less space than the
> original WAVE file, but is lossless, (so it is just as good as the
> original WAVE file).
> Ardour 2.8.6 supports both IMPORT and EXPORT of FLAC files, so then
> you're all set to use your newly created FLAC files in Ardour.
> Hope that helps!
> -Erik 
> On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 04:35, Giuliano Braglia <forevergyl at
> <mailto:forevergyl at>> wrote:
>     Hello Community!
>     Just asking your opinion about the best way to do it. That's the
>     situation:
>     I've got this CD from which I want to extract a track (or more)
>     into Ardour in order to modify it (maybe sing on it or other)
>     Do I have to extract it in wave format before? And if so, what's
>     the best way to extract it in the best quality possible?
>     Otherwise, is there a way to "put" it directly into Ardour?
>     :)
>     --
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Another option is playing the CD with a jack-aware audio player and
route its outputs to an ardour stereo track inputs, so you can record
the CD in ardour as it plays.

You can use VLC, mplayer, rhythmbox... once you have made them use the
jack audio output plugin.

Cheers! Pablo

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