
Vincent Jousse v.jousse at
Mon Sep 13 12:09:25 BST 2010

Le 13/09/2010 12:58, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
> On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 12:31 +0200, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm a Muse ( user and I use some VSTi
>> instruments thanks to DSSI-VST. But to have all this working, I need to
>> compile Muse with enable-dssi and enable-osc options.
>> I would like to know who makes the versions we can find in the ubuntu
>> repository ?
>> My goal is to use the ubuntu repository version instead of compiling my
>> own version.
>> Do you think it is possible to have these option activated for next
>> release ?
>> Vincent
> I'm not the person you are asking for, but note that VST support needs
> the free open source, but proprietary Steinberg headers. There are Linux
> headers too, but AFAIK Steinberg headers are still needed for a lot of
> VSTs. I guess you need to compile it yourself.
> Ralf
I just want to have DSSI support in Muse, I can manage everything else.


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