Pulse Audio and Jack in Maverick

Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp
Sat Sep 4 03:16:31 BST 2010

You can see this integration on http://ubuntustudio.org/LucidLynx as
"Pulse Audio built against Jack is available".

This integration is for lucid or later because "pulseaudio-module-jack"
package is not released for karmic or latter refering to this URL,

I'm a Japanese user of Ubuntu Studio and make some documents in Japanese
community. Last week I make a document about this PulseAudio integration.


In this document. I suggest to use qjackctl option "Execute script after
Setup" instead of config file. If you check this option and input two
commands, you can get "PulseAudio against JACK", load this module just
after JACK runnning.

If you are interested, read it with web translation service like google
or yahoo with plain text.


Takashi Sakamoto
o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp

(2010/09/04 08:15), ttoine at ttoine.net wrote:
> Le 03/09/2010 23:11, Marc R.J. Brevoort a écrit :
>> On Fri, 3 Sep 2010, ttoine at ttoine.net wrote:
>>> I just saw in the Maverick beta wiki pages that in Ubuntu Studio
>>> Maverick, some work has been done for better integration between
>>> PulseAudio and Jackd. Is it available for vanilla Ubuntu too ?
>>> If not, does this need to install a specific package, or is there a
>>> tweak we can document for non "Studio" users? I ask that because I am
>>> downloading Maverick beta at the moment, but not the Studio, the
>>> standard one, with the aim to test and document that important point!
>> I've just set up a system that plays back pulseaudio over jack over
>> ALSA on Lucid.
>> The following are not step-by-step instructions but may help you
>> get started.
>> You'll need pulseaudio-module-jack, the regular set of
>> jack util packages;
>> ~/.asoundrc containing this:
>> pcm.pulse {
>>       type pulse
>> }
>> ctl.pulse {
>>       type pulse
>> }
>> pcm.!default {
>>       type pulse
>> }
>> ctl.!default {
>>       type pulse
>> }
>> follow the recommendations that qjackctl gives you when trying to start
>> it and failing;
>> create two files,
>> 1. ~/bin/jack.pa containing the following:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> # (two following lines matter most)
>> pactl load-module module-jack-sink
>> pactl load-module module-jack-source
>> pactl load-module module-native-protocol-unix
>> pactl load-module module-volume-restore
>> pactl load-module module-default-device-restore
>> pactl load-module module-rescue-streams
>> pactl load-module module-suspend-on-idle
>> 2. a file ~/bin/startjack containing this:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
>> (which is the line shown by qjackctl after successful startup)
>> give both file execute permissions;
>> chmod +x ~/bin/*
>> and add them as startup programs.
>> re-login, in sound preferences set "Jack sink" as
>> default audio device.
>> Thus you'll have a system that (in theory) directs all its audio
>> through JACK.
>> One minor thing is that when starting qjackctl, pulseaudio is
>> suspended, which is not ideal. As you're running the jack
>> daemon as startup program, You'll also want to tell qjackctl
>> not to terminate jack on exiting.
>> I hope this is of some use to you even though terribly
>> incomplete and written up from memory too so probably full
>> of errors.
>> Best,
>> Marc
> What would be better, would be to see in the audio/sound preferences a 
> "jackd" sound card, and manually choose it if necessary. This is not 
> always good to have all applications on jackd. And Pulse Audio will 
> remember this choice every time jackd is launched, as it does when you 
> plug an usb sound card.
> Will try that this week-end, or next week, and let you know. This is one 
> of the most important stuff, with firewire, for Maverick, imho.
> Toine

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