Tasks, Workflows, and Packages for Ubuntu Studio Natty
Scott Lavender
scottalavender at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 15:12:53 GMT 2010
Firstly, thank you everyone for replying. Community involvement was what I
desired and is highly encouraging as well.
> I have added a workflow for video-postproduction. Comments welcome :-)
Awesome! This is certainly the type of response I had desired :)
I am concerned with the number of "video" applications we may be acquiring
in the workflows now. Currently, OpenShot, Avidemux, and OpenMovieEditor
are all included.
OpenShot is arguably the easierst, most user friendly video editor. I
understand that Avidemux might not be considered a video "editor" per se,
but allows audio to be stripped easily. OpenMovieEditor apparently is JACK
aware (I thought LiVes was the only JACK capable video application).
Each seems to have a strong point, but I was wondering if it was possible to
consolidate these applications choices to reduce their numbers. If an easy
solution does not present itself and it is the best interest of
functionality to keep all the applications, then it would seem that we
should keep all the applications.
My suggestion, at this point, would be to replace OpenShot with
OpenMovieEditor in the "Create a Home Movie" task. But I admit that I
haven't used OME in quite some time and am not aware how it compares to
OpenShot in terms of usability and "friendliness".
LMMS has a unique concept in terms of usage and workflow that is *not*
> doubled by qtractor. I'd recommend to keep it.
I wish that you do not take my statements in a derogatory or hostile
manner. However, I think it would be unfortunate if we were to include LMMS
(or any application) solely on the arguments presented above.
I have previously mentioned validating inclusion of applications to make
sure that they support an entire "tool chain" for accomplishing a task. But
a second order effect would be to also validate if anyone actually desires
to accomplish a particular "task". Hence, my request that someone specify a
task and develop a workflow to support it.
Can one someone identify a task and develop a supporting workflow so we can
discuss LMMS without abstraction.
Also keep in mind, we should also consider that if a very select subset of
users desires an application, or entire "toolchain", should we include it in
the ISO and make hundreds or thousands of users devote bandwidth to download
these applications. Especially considering that NO applications are being
removed from the archives and can be easily installed with 'sudo apt-get
Same here, Qtractor is a multi-track recorder/MIDI composition tool
> while Seq24 is a pattern based sequencer. Some of the most amazing stuff
> made on GNU/Linux is done with Seq24.
And why Mixxx? It is one of the best DJ mixer apps available, if not the
> best.
Hi Jeremy, and thank you for your comments/questions.
I would like to discuss Qtractor in two senses; one as a sequencer and
another in tandem with Mixxx.
Firstly, Seq24 is a sequencer. If one were wanting to create a song in a
studio/bedroom using a sequencer then I would suggest that Qtractor might be
a better and more eloquent solution. But if you disagree then I encourage
you to add information to the workflow wiki page as an alternative (don't
delete, be considerate of others work).
Secondly, I will frame Seq24 and Mixxx in a 'live performance' environment.
These applications are being considered for a 'live performance' seed (along
with other applications) which would then present the user with the option
to install them during installation. However, I am not very knowledgeable
about using these applications in a live performance and feel that I cannot
create tasks or wofklows for them in good faith.
But, this is where you can assist by appending the workflow wiki page:
Please keep in mind, a superfluous task (e.g. this task is to keep my
favourite application) or a task that only a very few people might support
might not be included in the ISO. We are not removing any application from
the archives, we would simply not be including it on the ISO.
I bought a laptop in 2008 for personal use. At that point I wanted to try
> Ubuntu Studio but it stopped very quickly because of the non-working
> wireless connectivity. I only had a wireless connection available in the
> basement. I installed Linux Mint and it has been working very well. I've
> also moved twice within the last year and have not gotten my music equipment
> up and running. Nevertheless, I've been reading all emails in this mailing
> list and it seems the best setup for Ubuntu Studio would be a desktop PC
> with a wired network connection, a firewire audio adapter and a MIDI
> controller that can be plugged in into the GAME port. I had gotten myself a
> USB audio adapter and a USB midi controller. From what I've learned here,
> USB seems not to be a very good choice.
> I am still in the phase of deciding what to do next, and that requires time
> and money (neither of which I have plenty of, currently).
At the risk of sounding insensitive I would ask that if you start a new
thread to discuss your situation as to not dilute or derail the current one.
Again, I profusely apologize for any insensitivity.
I want to thank everyone again for their participation. You are helping to
make Ubuntu Studio better.
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