Tasks, Workflows, and Packages for Ubuntu Studio Natty
saearea-test at yahoo.com
saearea-test at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 31 13:21:57 GMT 2010
Dear Hartmut,
thank you for your compassion.
I bought a laptop in 2008 for personal use. At that point I wanted to try Ubuntu Studio but it stopped very quickly because of the non-working wireless connectivity. I only had a wireless connection available in the basement. I installed Linux Mint and it has been working very well. I've also moved twice within the last year and have not gotten my music equipment up and running. Nevertheless, I've been reading all emails in this mailing list and it seems the best setup for Ubuntu Studio would be a desktop PC with a wired network connection, a firewire audio adapter and a MIDI controller that can be plugged in into the GAME port. I had gotten myself a USB audio adapter and a USB midi controller. From what I've learned here, USB seems not to be a very good choice.
I am still in the phase of deciding what to do next, and that requires time and money (neither of which I have plenty of, currently).
Thank you once again for sharing your knowledge!
--- Hartmut Noack <zettberlin at linuxuse.de> schrieb am Sa, 30.10.2010:
Von: Hartmut Noack <zettberlin at linuxuse.de>
Betreff: Re: Tasks, Workflows, and Packages for Ubuntu Studio Natty
An: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Datum: Samstag, 30. Oktober, 2010 23:28 Uhr
Am 30.10.2010 20:51, schrieb saearea-test at yahoo.com:
> Hello Hartmut,
> thank you very much for the additional work-flow description! Looks great, but I am sorry that I can't test it.
Sad - any particular reasons?
You can simplyfy the workflow if you skip the avidemux-excursion. You
can record the given soundtrack in Ardour as it is being played in OME.
Less elegant but simple and just works ;-)
Also if you do not need MIDI-composing, you can work it out with Ardour
and OME alone...
good luck :-)
> Best regards,
> Stefan
> --- Hartmut Noack <zettberlin at linuxuse.de> schrieb am Sa, 30.10.2010:
> Von: Hartmut Noack <zettberlin at linuxuse.de>
> Betreff: Re: Tasks, Workflows, and Packages for Ubuntu Studio Natty
> An: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Datum: Samstag, 30. Oktober, 2010 19:09 Uhr
> Am 29.10.2010 23:36, schrieb Scott Lavender:
>> Hello again.
>> For those who are interesting, and I would hope most would be, you can find
>> the task and workflow wiki page at:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows
> I have added a workflow for video-postproduction. Comments welcome :-)
>> All users are encouraging to peruse this page and add their contributions!
>> We only ask that if you have a differing workflow that one that is already
>> extant, please add yours as an "alternative" and do not remove the other.
>> Before going further I want to explain more about what I mean when I use the
>> term "package set". This term is a reference to the applications installed
>> by default with Ubuntu Studio. These packages are NOT being removed from
>> the archives. You can always install these packages at any time, by any
>> method of choice. We are only discussing the inclusion of these package on
>> the Ubuntu Studio ISO.
>> Right. Now that we have that out of the way, I want to inform you how the
>> currently installed package set will change for Natty.
>> These will be "new" packages (or applications) installed by default when
>> installing Ubuntu Studio:
>> * guitarix
>> * hydrogen-drumkits
>> * lashd
>> * mscore (to replaces denemo and lilypond)
>> * phasex
>> * qtractor (to replace seq24)
> Qtractor is by no means a replacement for seq24. It is just a completely
> different application.
> Seq24 is a pattern-oriented sequencer taht can be used for
> live-performance in ways that qtractor cannot be used and is not
> intended to be used.
> I would consider it a big mistake to remove Seq24. To replace it with
> qtractor would be like replacing a helicopter with an Airbus.
>> * specimen
>> * whysynth
>> * yoshimi (to replace zynaddsubfx)
>> These are packages (or applications) that are currently included with Ubuntu
>> Studio, but will no longer be:
>> * aconnectgui
>> * audacity
> I find this logical since Audacity does not fit very well into Jack.
> Still I wonder what would be the replacement for it (Ardour for more
> sophisticated waveediting and Mhawaveedit for simle tasks could be a
> sane recommendation for Audacity-users I guess.
>> * beast
>> * bitscope
>> * bristol
>> * csound
>> * denemo (replaced by mscore)
>> * freebirth
>> * freqtweak
>> * genpo
>> * jackeq
>> * jacktools
>> * jdelay
>> * lillypond (replaced by mscore)
>> * lmms
> LMMS has a unique concept in terms of usage and workflow that is *not*
> doubled by qtractor. I'd recommend to keep it.
>> * mixxx
>> * muse
>> * qamix
>> * seq24 (replaced by qtractor)
> see above - I strongly recommend to keep Seq24.
>> * terminatorx
>> * timemachine
> Many like timemachine and will be disappointed not to find it
> automatically installed. Though I would not consider it essential.
> best regs
> HZN/berlin
>> * timidity
>> * tk707
>> * xwax
>> * zynaddsubfx
>> Again, the goal is to make Ubuntu Studio more effective and proficient, in
>> essence more useful. Users want to accomplish a task (e.g. mix a song), not
>> just run an application. The current status of the package set (
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageSelectionDevelopment) was
>> developed to assist users accomplish tasks.
>> If an application is listed to no longer be included with Ubuntu Studio but
>> you want it to be, then please identify a task that requires it and develop
>> a workflow at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows
>> This is your chance to directly influence which applications are included
>> with Ubuntu Studio.
>> ScottL
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