trying to run my firepod

mentoj dija mentoj_dija at
Sat Oct 30 18:38:54 BST 2010

  hello list,

my firepod arrived today, hell yea!

but now, the challange to keep it running.

so i found this website 
( with some instructions 
how to do it.

*-install a realtime kernel:* obviously there is no one in the standart 
installation. so i just skiped this point. i only want to record and 
dont care for long delays.

*- Obtain/checkfor FW lib and raw1394: *the libraw1394-11 is installed. 
i'm not sure what to do with this FW lib. but i also installed the 
package libfreebob0 which seemed to be important

*- Set permissions for raw1394 for GROUP="audio"*: thats where i got 
stuck now. don't know what to do. is there a file "raw1394"?

*- Enable/check user for group audio:* group already exists. but enable 
it for what?

then i filled in all these listed jack settings. i also enabled the 
raw1394 access at ubuntu-studio-control. but jack is not working at all. 
it stops with the message:

Cannot connect to server socket

jack server is not running or cannot be started

before i did all that i tried the "firewire"-driver instead of 
"firebob". and it worked. but with to much x-runs. so ich changed 
settings and stuff, and now, its also not working with this 
firewire-driver ;-)

so is there a very simple thing i have to do?

thank you + have a nive weekend

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