Ubuntu Studio wireless connection

Neil Jensen neilevanjensen at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 00:35:30 BST 2010

On 10/23/2010 6:49 PM, Mike Holstein wrote:
> You might want to just use kde so things look and act the same. You 
> probably just need the gnome network manager. You could search 
> synaptic and install it. But there is a reason why it is not 
> installed. You can just as easily get rid of ubuntustudio-desktop and 
> go back to kubuntu-desktop. This way you can use the studio packages 
> with your familiar kde.
Maybe you just need to activate the wireless drivers.  Go to 
system->drivers..or something very similiar.


>> On Oct 23, 2010 6:16 PM, "Jeroen Verschuuren" 
>> <jlm.verschuuren at gmail.com <mailto:jlm.verschuuren at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I had Kubuntu 10.10 running on my laptop and I 'upgraded' this to 
>> Ubuntu Studio.
>> However, now I can't get a wireless connection anymore. Under Kubuntu 
>> it was running fine, but after the installation of Ubuntu Studio and 
>> a restart of my laptop it won't start my wireless connection. Wired 
>> works fine.
>> Is there anyone who can help me?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Jeroen
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