Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 18

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 21:19:52 GMT 2010

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Karl Giesing <khzmusik at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  > This is your chance to directly influence which applications are
> included
> > with Ubuntu Studio.
> I'm not very active here I know, and I only use UbuStu rarely, but...
> I would recommend NOT getting rid of Lilypond. It's still in active
> development, it's a music "engraving" program (unlike MScore), and I think
> some of its libraries are needed for other programs (e.g. Rosegarden).
> ZynAddSubFx is also too good to get rid of, and (again) is still being
> developed.
> And how could you possibly do away with Audacity? Sure, Ardour is great,
> but they really serve two different function.
> All IMHO, of course.
> On the other hand, I agree 100% with all the additions. MScore is
> especially needed.
> -Karl.
> --
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zynaddsubfx is just being basically replaced with yoshimi, which is the
currently developed fork of zynadd... i was wondering about lilypond as
well, but yeah, the idea is to have musescore included as the core notation
software... and again, these are NOT getting taken out of the repos, just
not included by default... the idea is that there will be a metapackage,
something like ubuntustudio-podcaster or whatever that would have audacity
in it... in theory, there could be one for engraving that would have
lilypond... keep the feedback coming, i think its helpful to sound these
options out.. thanks...


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