Upgrade to 10.04; still no CD/DVD drive

Kenneth Koym koymkg at gmail.com
Fri May 21 22:08:43 BST 2010

Mr. DeShaw:
   Solely reading what you say, leads me to believe a need exists to test,
verify that the install did not kill the HP DVD Writer 840d. If I didn't two
family members in separate hospitals, I review bugs related to installation
kills. Appears very rare that 9.10 & 10.04 produce a dead HP DVD Writer 840d
reading. Suggest google may supply you a work around.
    Thanks for letting Ubuntu Studio techs have a chance to solve the


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Paul DeShaw <pauldeshaw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> In a previous post I reported that Ubuntu Studio 9.10 could not find my HP
> DVD Writer 840d; this issue was never resolved.  I have done a clean install
> of 10.04 and have the same problem--From the first boot, the very drive that
> read the install DVD, does not exist as far as Ubuntu Studio is concerned.
> Since the drive worked fine while running generic Ubuntu 9.10 from a flash
> drive, I could probably fix the problem simply by installing the generic
> 10.04 and adding the Studio packages.  However, if there is any interest in
> finding and fixing this Ubuntu Studio-specific problem, I am willing to keep
> this install and work with the list to get it ironed out.  I would really
> like to see Ubuntu Studio work for as many people as possible.  I am
> concerned that the adoption of Ubuntu Studio could be seriously hindered if
> such common hardware is not usable.  Does anyone want to work on this with
> me?
> --Paul in Seattle
> --
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