Motherboard compatibility - AMD

Fernando Gomes f.m.gomes at
Sat May 8 23:37:40 BST 2010

Hi all and thanks for the tips. The problem seems to be solved (at
least until now) using the option acpi=off. I'm writing this message
on the rt kernel on the same machine that locked up only a few moments
after booting, now it is working for about one hour, running jack,
ZynAddSubFx, Rosegarden, Hydrogen and Rackarrack. Once again thanks
for your advice.
I've tried to look for a newer bios version for this board but I'm
already using the latest version. How this acpi=off option will impact
on the system performance? I will make some more tests using
alternative acpi configurations tomorrow and I'll let you know the

Best regards


On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Scott Lavender <scottalavender at> wrote:
> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Roy Damen <roydamen at> wrote:
>> Dear John,
>> On my machine i had a similar problem with rt. After more than 1,5 year of
>> searching, trying out and lots of help with explanation on the ubuntuforums
>> i discovered that it was this BIOS setting that must be turned off: IOAPIC
>> It seems that ubuntu can manage  this by itself(if i understood correctly) I
>> bet this solves your problem too!
>> 2010/5/7 jONE <producjohns at>
>>> Hi Fernando I've got an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ processor too and had
>>> problems with the RT kernel since I first installed 8.04 onwards. I tried
>>> pretty much everything until a few days ago, when I simply "loaded optimized
>>> settings" on my BIOS and believe it or not, no mouse delay and no hanging at
>>> all. My hammerfall soundcard's delay <10ms recording 16channels. I honestly
>>> don't know what setting in the BIOS messed it up since "optimized settings"
>>> or "default settings" options don't specify much and I've tweaked the thing
>>> so many times I lost track of what the original setting was! Maybe give that
>>> a try?
>>> Good luck!
>>> John
> I remember several years ago there were some problems with peoples systems
> acting sluggish or freezing with the -rt kernel during Hardy.  If I remember
> correctly it had to do with acpi, although I cannot find any of those emails
> on the mailing list.
> However, I did find a Ubuntu Studio review by Dave Phillips that also
> mentions the acpi situation:
> Also, this 64Studio forum posts discusses it a little more:
> Hope this helps.
> ScottL
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