Motherboard compatibility - AMD, Intel

Fernando Gomes f.m.gomes at
Tue May 4 22:18:40 BST 2010


As promised, here are some details and the current situation on my
compatibility issues with Ubuntu Studio:

My current motherboard is a MSI K9MM-V/MS-7312 (VIA K8M800 chipset, S3
Graphics Unichrome 2D/3D Graphics), the processor is AMD Athlon 64 X2
Dual Core Processor 3600+ stepping 02, as you can see on the messages
file I've attached. It works flawlessly with Win XP and worked 24/7
since I bought it with Ubuntu (7.10 through 9.10, with standard
kernel). As you recommended I installed Ubuntu 10.04 "standard" (I've
installed the x86 version, not the AMD64) and then installed the
ubuntustudio packages. If I use the standard kernel the PC works as
expected. If I try to boot using the RT kernel it sometimes hangs
during boot saying it didn't find the boot disk, and sometimes it
boots normally, but when using the GUI the mouse starts working in
"slow motion" (sometimes it works in slow motion from the beginning,
sometimes only after some minutes). Even with the mouse working in
"slow motion" the audio applications work on realtime (just tried
Hydrogen using Jack). Sometimes after a  few minutes all the gui seems
to freeze but the mouse keeps moving (but I have no feedback from
clicking applications or even trying to alt-tab between them). I'm
sending the messages file after booting with standard kernel, I don't
understand why it has no record for the rt kernel boot on it :-(
I've saw the message "HPET not enabled in BIOS. You might try
hpet=force boot option" and I've tried to force HPET as suggested, in
this case this message disappeared but the problems were similar.
Tonight I'll boot the RT kernel and try to put the dmesg output to file.
Can you point me to some diagnostic that can give any clue to the problem?
Is there any known issue with this chipset, or embedded graphics controller?
I know the graphics controller is not a good one with lots of ubuntu
support issues,
I can put an AGP Radeon board I have somewhere to test the difference...

Before using this PC in my "home studio" I've used another AMD board
and processor in the "home studio", was a motherboard with an AMD 780G
chipset with a AMD
Athlon 64 X2 4000+ processor. It worked very well with ubuntustudio
8.04, with more recent versions had similar problems to those I have
now (slow motion mouse, also some PC freezes - everything including
the mouse freezes, this don't happen with the current pc), the only
way to be able to use more recent ubuntustudio versions was to install
the standard ubuntu, to get a new kernel, to patch it with the RT
patch and to compile it, it then works almost flawlessly (only some
freezes from time to time). Someone here in the list said at that time
that it was better to use Intel platforms, so this was the reason for
my initial question, I don't want to build another PC for my "home
studio" (it will be the third) and have similar problems :-(

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 12:23 PM, laurent.bellegarde
<laurent.bellegarde at> wrote:
> Fernando Gomes wrote:
>> Hi Laurent
>> Thanks for your answer! The PC I'm trying to use has an MSI
>> motherboard, I'll check its model and the processor installed
>> tomorrow. Since there is a final ubuntu 10.04 version now, I'll try to
>> install it and if it works I'll then install the ubuntustudio packages
>> as you suggested. With previous ubuntustudio versions there were
>> lockups during boot if using the realtime kernel. I have best results
>> downloading the standard kernel, applying the rt patch to it, compile
>> it and install it, but also had some stability issues (some freezes
>> from time to time). I'll try with this new version and I'll let you
>> know
>> Best regards
>> Fernando
> Ok, we are waiting for the infos.
> Laurent
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