Trouble with wireless setup

Rolf Krüger rolf-krueger at
Wed Apr 14 15:54:15 BST 2010

Hi Mischa,

AFAIK (well, remember, at least :-) there have been some changes to the
wireless-stuff between 8.04 and 9.04. It was around that time
(8.04 i guess) that I also had trouble getting my notebook
connected to WiFi. With newer installations I never had that
trouble again. I would really give the latest stable of UbuStu a try.
Have it here on a parallel installation, too and did not see one single
problem yet ...

But I would suggest to ask google about your specific problem before
dropping a "working" installation - bet you had your reasons, why
you have installed 8.04 ...


mischa falkenburg wrote:
> Hi, I am writing this via my Xubuntu (9.04) installation, but I've also 
> installed Studio (8.04) on this box so I'll have my choice in Grub.
> OK, the install went alright...except it wouldn't detect any network 
> stuff, etc.
> So, it appears to be a functioning install, but I'm unable to get the 
> wifi network connection going...even with it set to DHCP. Is it because 
> of the difference in the versions? Does 8.04 have a "problem" because 
> it's 8.04 instead of 9.04?
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Mischa

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