Ubuntu Studio Lucid 10.4 (Traverso)

teza tsaliou75 at orange.fr
Sat Apr 3 23:38:43 BST 2010

Hi Scott nice to hear from you. The bug in Traverso has been reported. 
For Festige and other packages who could be useful  having in Ubuntu 
Studio,  maybe you could be in touch with the guy who's got this 
repository  https://launchpad.net/~falk-t-j/+archive/lucid/  there's a 
lot of goodies here.
Can wait for the final release. Thanks again for the work done.
Le 03/04/2010 23:06, Scott Lavender a écrit :
> Hello Teza,
> It's good to hear from you again.
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:48 AM, teza <tsaliou75 at orange.fr 
> <mailto:tsaliou75 at orange.fr>> wrote:
>     Hi, all in my test under Lucid Beta, I would to tell that Traverso (a
>     soft I like very much) doesn't work, I can open it, choose my dir and
>     after that Traverso freeze. Hope it'll be fix soon.
> Did you submit a bug report?  You can do so here:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/traverso/+bugs?field.status:list=NEW
> A quick tutorial for reporting bugs can be found here:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
> Reporting the bug is important so that the correct person becomes 
> aware of the bug.
>     I would like also why a soft like Festige, making the use of vst very
>     easy with any soft running jack, is not part of Ubuntu Studio.
>     All the best
>     Regards
>     Tez
> Primarily I would say it is a lack of developers to package it.
> Remember, building it not all that is required, that's the easy part 
> :)  It's the packaging that is the difficult part.
> The developers would always welcome any help.
> Regards,
> ScottL

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