Ubuntu Studio Lucid 10.4 (Traverso)

Scott Lavender scottalavender at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 22:06:19 BST 2010

Hello Teza,

It's good to hear from you again.

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 8:48 AM, teza <tsaliou75 at orange.fr> wrote:

> Hi, all in my test under Lucid Beta, I would to tell that Traverso (a
> soft I like very much) doesn't work, I can open it, choose my dir and
> after that Traverso freeze. Hope it'll be fix soon.

Did you submit a bug report?  You can do so here:

A quick tutorial for reporting bugs can be found here:

Reporting the bug is important so that the correct person becomes aware of
the bug.

> I would like also why a soft like Festige, making the use of vst very
> easy with any soft running jack, is not part of Ubuntu Studio.
> All the best
> Regards
> Tez

Primarily I would say it is a lack of developers to package it.

Remember, building it not all that is required, that's the easy part :)
It's the packaging that is the difficult part.

The developers would always welcome any help.

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