recording vocals

Fernando Gomes f.m.gomes at
Fri Oct 9 17:05:16 BST 2009

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:25 PM, sandie <sandie at> wrote:
> teza wrote:
>> Hi ,Sandie, just a question, what will be your choice between Hardy and
>> Jaunty 32 bits, for my point of view I will choose the Hardy, but I
>> never use Jaunty 32 bits. Is there any troubles with rt kernel in
>> Jaunty?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Regards from Paris (France)
>> Teza
> Someone told me (I think it was on this list), that it's a bad idea to
> use Hardy if you also use the same pc for internet, something about
> security ?
> I had some strange problems with the propriotary ATI driver and
> rt-kernel on Jaunty, and my husband's almost identical pc had no problems.
> Imho... I think the best solution wound be to find an old disk and take
> it for a test-drive.
> btw. why not try Karmic instead of Jaunty ?
> Regards from Demnark :-)
> Sandie
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Hi Teza and Sandie

My PC doesn't even boot with 8.10 and 9.04 rt kernels, but works very
well with 8.04 and also works (more or less) with 9.10 beta. I built
custom rt kernels for 8.10 and 9.04 to be able to make them work on my
hardware (AMD 780G chipset with a Athlon 64 X2 processor). Never
managed to run the proprietary ATI drivers with the rt kernels thow,
even on the new 9.10 beta (you can see my results at The ATI proprietary driver work with every
version with non rt kernels on the same hardware (I didn't test it yet
with the 9.10 beta not realtime).  I still have some freezes with 9.10
with its rt kernel, no freezes using 8.04 with its rt kernel nor using
any of the custom built rt kernels (nor using non rt kernels from any
of these versions). So I I'll put my effort on having a stable 9.10
system with its rt kernel (32 bit, since I'll only have 2GB RAM, I
have no advantage on having a 64 bit OS).

Regards from Portugal!


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