First Time Installing Ubuntu Studio

Angel Laya aelhernandez at
Mon Nov 16 14:05:51 GMT 2009


Normally I install Ubuntu, then with the Synaptic package manager install
UbuntuStudio pakages. I do not understand that you mean you do not get any
of the programs.

2009/11/17 mr arwin <arwindmn at>

> Hello everyone. So sorry if my English sounds poor :)
> Yup, I am so happy today because I just installed Ubuntu Studio on my
> notebook. It looks so beautiful. More beatiful than my girfriend lol.
> Actually, I am new user of Ubuntu Studio. I have one question: After
> installing Ubuntu Studio why there is no aplication such gimp,
> inkscape etc, did I miss install component? Please, reply recommended
> step by step how to install Ubuntu Studio. Thank you :)
> --
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Angel E. Laya Hernández
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