Hardware & Software Recommendations?

Pietro Bergamo bergamopietro at yahoo.com.br
Mon Nov 9 14:01:28 GMT 2009

On Sun, 2009-11-08 at 19:00 -0600, Erik Rasmussen wrote:
> Brief list of some software features desired:
>      1. Can open, edit and save as FLAC audio files (without having to
>         manually convert first).


>      1. Multi-track editing capabilities.

Audacity or Ardour

>      1. Very detailed graphical representation of waveform.

Audacity or Ardour

>      1. Fast to open and to save files.


>      1. Visual feedback of audio levels or graphical representation of
>         waveform while recording and playback.


>      1. Able to gracefully handle and mix with audio files of varying
>         sample and bit rates.


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