UbSt 9,10........Jack?

Tommy Hjalmarsson tommy.h at
Thu Nov 5 01:40:11 GMT 2009

Eric Hedekar wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Tommy Hjalmarsson 
> <tommy.h at <mailto:tommy.h at>> wrote:
>     I have installed UbSt 9,10 64 bit. And I can start Jack and Ardour
>     if I
>     have the starter for them on my desktop and write gksudo (and I don't
>     need to write my root password, thats strange) in
>     preferences/commando.
>     The shorter version, Jack work when I'm are "root", and it is honky
>     dory, it's working anyway.
>     But...................
>     I can't however not connect as a "client" to the Jack server with Jack
>     as "user", only as "root". The error message points on that Jack can't
>     connect as a client. And this last line (not in red color):
>     /(<unknown>:13353): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory
>     scalable/animations
>     of theme Ny_hjalle has no size field/
>     hjalle=me/user. I don't get the error message as root, *and I dont
>     know
>     if it is a big error*. If I somehow have made a strange user
>     "Ny_hjalle"  for the sound server, in what config file can i find it?
>     (I cant find Ny_hjalle in my user settings)
>     Must I make a Jack user group with "user rights " or....what?
>     9,10 sounds better than 9.04 however on my laptop.....but only as
>     root:)
>     /Tommy Hjalmarsson
> Tommy, it's not the last error message that should be looked at, but 
> rather the first error message.  If you can't determine which error 
> message is first, copy and paste the entire output of the messages 
> windown on an attempted jack start (not using root).  If it's a huge 
> output (may be if you have verbose messages turned on) you may want to 
> paste it in a pastebin like then post the 
> link here.
> -Eric
Ok here is the text:/

/02:23:24.598 Patchbay deactivated./

/02:23:24.598 Statistics reset./

/02:23:24.624 ALSA connection graph change./

/02:23:24.819 ALSA connection change./

/02:23:32.753 Startup script.../

/02:23:32.755 artsshell -q terminate/

/sh: artsshell: not found/

/02:23:33.159 Startup script terminated with exit status=32512./

/02:23:33.160 JACK is starting.../

/02:23:33.161 /usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n3/

/no message buffer overruns/

/jackd 0.116.1/

/Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others./

/jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY/

/This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it/

/under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details/

/JACK compiled with System V SHM support./

/cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 10) [for thread 
-647842064, from thread -647842064] (1: Operation not permitted)/

/cannot create engine/

/02:23:33.184 JACK was started with PID=15696./

/02:23:33.188 JACK was stopped successfully./

/02:23:33.189 Post-shutdown script.../

/02:23:33.190 killall jackd/

/jackd: ingen process hittades/

/02:23:33.604 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256./

/02:23:35.261 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall 
operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the 
messages window for more info./

/(<unknown>:15688): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory scalable/animations 
of theme Ny_hjalle has no size field/


*And this i my problem, I didn't see it earlier:*
/cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 10) [for thread 
-647842064, from thread -647842064] (1: Operation not permitted)
/*But not as root*

This is a Ubuntu 9,10 64 bit installtion with Ubuntu Studio 64 bit 
package and rt kernel installed with Synaptik. So /Elliott Barcikowski/ 
guess that I don't have the right to use realtime kernel as user, only 
as root is probably right .So the problem isn't Jack.

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