Jaunty -RT testing

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Sun Mar 22 22:47:48 GMT 2009

Joseph Reagle wrote:
> As an aside, while I wasn't comfortable with with Jaunty RT oddness, I don't
> think NaturallySpeaking in a VirtualBox Machine requires RT, just
> low-latency. So I actually tried Intrepid again and built a kernel [1] with
> the following settings. I'm also using the new vbox 2.2b1 [2] -- with much
> improved USB performance -- and things seem quite good.

interesting.  2.2 Beta one with the standard kernel of 8.10 gives me choppy
audio.  I've put a note on the mailing list about this and offer to try and help
gather some information to figure out what's wrong.  I wonder if a different
scheduler might help.

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