Trailing revs...

Khashayar Naderehvandi khashayar.lists at
Mon Mar 9 13:37:54 GMT 2009

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 7:02 PM, suemac at <suemac at> wrote:
> I realize there is an effort to backport several apps (Ardour, Jack, ffado,
> etc.) and am actually using khashayar's PPA of these apps for Hardy with
> great success.
> Also am aware of the ongoing rt issue with 8.10.
> My question is when are (or have I missed) announcement of formal
> availability of the back ports going to happen.
The backporting is actually happening. There are, however, a couple of
separate issues that might make things look pretty slow. First of all,
we've had some issues with the scons version that's in hardy and
intrepid. For some reason, packages in the archives (and in the PPAs)
simply time out instead of building. Quite a few of our audio
applications use scons for building. After ardour, for example, was
pushed to the backports archive, we realized it was stuck in the
system, failing to build. I've worked around this problem in my PPA by
simply backporting scons, along with fakeroot and a bunch of -dev
packages. This is of course not ideal, and nothing that Studio would
(or could) do. Instead, we (actually Luke, I belive), has tried to
patch up the source with some black magic. I'm not sure how well that
has worked out so far.

The more interesting issue, though, is the fact that we all want jack,
and other libs backported. But that's much harder to get through. The
thing is, many packages are linked to the libraries, some of them not
even central to Studio. If we wanted jack backported, for example, we
would need to test every package that links to it for regressions.
Considering the fact that Ubuntu actually releases quite often (every
6 months), it might be a lot simpler to just wait for the next

> A quote from dated December 5th, 2008: "....the release of
> JACK 0.116.0. This is an important release, because it fixes all the
> problems reported with 0.115.6 and now makes 0.109.2 completely obsolete.
> Nobody should be using 0.109.2 within a few weeks, and even that is only to
> allow for distributions to update. "
> Since I'm working fine with the ppa packages, this just really a curiousity
> question...
I guess I answered this question above. There are simply too many
packages to test for regressions. Perhaps we could have filed an SRU
request for jack particularly
(, but then again, like I
mentioned, Ubuntu does release quite often.

> Speaking of khashayar...haven't seen or heard of him for a few weeks.
Yeah, sorry I haven't replied for such a long time. I've had a lot of
things going on in my non-linux related life. Hopefully things have
settled for a while now. Hopefully.


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