Installing 64 bit Ubuntu Studio

Piotr Karnaś pkarnas at
Sun Jun 28 13:20:09 BST 2009

As far as I know you have two options.

1.Ubuntu installer tries to take care of booting for itself by unstalling
GRUB. It will erase crrnet boot manager and replace it with GRUB which is
fine, but i you have some reason for which you wou like to use windows bm,
you can always

2. say no to GRUB, start computer in Windows and try using Bootpart. It
basicly adds new entry to windows boot menu. It can be downloaded at

2009/6/28 Nick Stevens <nick.peckham at>

> I want to install Ubuntu Studio 64 onto my big PC, as a boot option.
> But I must admit to being very nervous indeed about the whole process, in
> case I end up with some of the current options broken, and then having to
> try and reinstall everything! I realise that this is very rare these days,
> but that will not be much consolation if it happens to me!
> I want the 64 bit version because I have 12 Gb of memory, and I like to
> work on very complex 3d graphics, which is extremely memory hungry.
> My current setup is dual boot between Windows XP 64, (which I currently use
> most), and 64 bit Vista, (which I use rarely).
> Looking at what happens when the system starts up, it first of all goes
> into the Asus Express Gate, then does a normal boot, offering me a choice of
> XP or Vista via what appears to be called "Windows Boot Manager".
> Does the 64 bit install know about this boot manager, and can it integrate
> the new boot option with it successfully?
> All help very gratefully received,
> Thanks,
> Nick
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Piotr Karnaś
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