Where is the music made in Linux?

Philip Schleihauf phil at adjacentfilms.com
Tue Jul 28 02:36:11 BST 2009

> As for the domain, just tell me where to point it, and I will do so (name
> and mail servers).

HostPapa's nameservers are

Also, I was thinking of implementing a kind of gig calendar. so active
> musicians could post their gigs. Have a look at
> http://drupal.org/project/calendar sounds proising. Haven't tried it, but
> watched the video as well.

Cool. That looks really neat. Something once the basics are up. Speaking of
which we should come up with an outline of how this is going to work so
we're on the same track. Once I get Drupal set up for it I'll make a page we
can both edit so we can work out an outline. Or if you have google docs we
could do it there, or email, or here or....

I can't actually spend much time on this today
Of course, time was my biggest fear. On one side, what if no one joins? On
> the other, what if too many people join? But uniting the efforts is such a
> great relief.

Haha well don't worry, the next day or two are a bit insane but it
(supposedly) quiets down after that. I can put time into it.
As for traffic, if no one comes, well, I've had plenty of those by now, no
biggie. If it explodes and hosting becomes expensive it shouldn't be a
problem to support it with ads. We'd qualify for the adbard network, I've
never tried that before but it seems fitting.

So, as you a web-designer (am I right?), I let you lead and will help
> whatever I can (I am a musician).

I design websites, and it's how I get my sustenance, so I guess I'm a
web-designer. Still don't feel like I quite qualify for that title
somehow... In any case it will be great to have a partner on this to divide
the workload.

I also do audio recordings mainly for one band in town. I'm assuming as
you're on this list that you record some stuff as well, so there's our
two-user start for content.
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