What HW/SW do people have working?

Hartmut Noack zettberlin at linuxuse.de
Mon Jan 26 23:45:34 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Larry David schrieb:
> On Jan 25, 2009, at 10:51 PM, Scott wrote:

> Now this is very interesting.  RT means "real time", right?  Is there  
> some real time capability that Linux has for processing audio that  
> Mac does not? 

I think, it is more or less the same as capable. In Linux you can have
much better results with cheap hardware since the drivers do not try to
implement any marketing policies- there is only one Linux driver for all
cards, that come with a given chipset so you get the same driver for a
cheap card with a decent chipset as you get for a pro-card with the very
same (there are cards out there for Euro 50 and for Euro 500 - all with
the same envy24-chip...).
It takes a bit more configuration to make the stuff run but basically
all of this is a 30-min point/click operation and should be done within
a day even for someone, who has installed Linux the first time.

In the end you can do the same: run your computers soundsystem stable
with latencies below 10ms (and down to freakin fractions of a single
millisecond, if you run one synth and a simple recorder only...)

> true, that would be a big deal for me.  And you say the apps are  
> awesome - I know about Ardour; is it really as good or better than  
> say Digital Performer or Logic or Protools (which I understand it is  
> trying to emulate)?  

Depends: I mostly record guitars/vocs etc accompanied by programmed drum
loops - I have to programm the drums with a standalone seq plus sampler
for Ardour 2.7 does NOT have MIDI-Tracks. I also use a standalone
Guitar-Amp emulation for its quite clumsy to build an amp in ardour
itself, so its basically the same, as if I would record from a real amp
- - very OK with me...
In the end I am perfectly happy with it and get quite OKayish results:


 - and that result-thing is, what one is out for is it not ? ;-)

> What other music/audio apps are so great?

Specimen (Sampler), Seq24 (fast, trustable sequencer), Hydrogen
(Drumsequencer-suite), Rosegarden (big sequencer with scoreeditor),
Qtractor (lean and mean audio/MIDI sequencer), AMS (great powerfull
Modular-Synth - I build my guitamp with that), LMMS - fruityloops-like
sequencer with a set of his own plugins....
A diversity of synths and more and more cool FX-plugins (LADSPA and LV2)
we saw 2 new great releases of plugin-sets in this very week...

There is a lot...

But be careful: about 50% of the software available is abandoned/not
working/experimental - all the tools named above belong to the other 50%....

see you ;-)

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