usb/midi adapter - which ones work well?

Gustin Johnson gustin at
Mon Jan 26 21:45:19 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Atom Smasher wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jan 2009, Atom Smasher wrote:
>> and i recently bought what seems to be the worlds cheapest usb-midi 
>> adapter. when i connect it to my pc1600x, i have to add >40uS delay per 
>> byte, or else amidi doesn't get to see all of what's coming in. at 
>> least, a delay of 40uS/byte lets the computer receive a complete sysex 
>> dump (~19K), but i'm still loosing a lot of CC info when i move sliders 
>> on the pc1600x (verified with a few different midi monitors). this seems 
>> like a problem with the usb-midi adapter having too small a buffer... 
>> even using amidi to monitor the input from the usb adapter (pc1600x --> 
>> usb adapter), and using the pc1600x just to send control change 
>> messages, a lot of it is not getting past the adapter. if i use the usb 
>> port on my controller keyboard (bypassing the cheap usb-midi adapter), 
>> and turn a knob, EVERYTHING comes through. so, what should i be looking 
>> for in a low-end/entry-level usb-midi adapter that can handle large 
>> sysex dumps and plays well with linux?
> ====================
> it seems like that didn't get any attention with a subject "dumb midi 
> questions", so here it is with a different subject.
> so, should i expect the problem, above, to disappear with a less crappy 
> usb/midi adapter? which ones are ya'll happy with?

I have two of the M-Audio midimans (one 1x and the other 2x). They seem
to work fine, I have not noticed any problems when using an external
midi keyboard.

The midi input I use the most is the one on my RME 9652 soundcard.  It
has been solid for a couple of years.

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