Joining the Studio-dev team (dedicated backporter)

Cory K. coryisatm at
Fri Jan 2 21:29:37 GMT 2009

Khashayar Naderehvandi wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Cory K. <coryisatm at> wrote:
>> Khashayar, I have been kicking around the idea of having a official
>> backporter on the team which would address exactly this. I was waiting
>> until after the holidays to talk about it but what the hell.
>> If you're interested, say so. We'll try to get a ball rolling.
> Yes, I am :-)
> But, I'm really serious when I say these are my first attempts at
> packaging. So I will probably get stuck with things others wouldn't...

It's ok. We all gotta start somewhere and the Studio team knew next to
nothing when it started. ;)

So as long as you're "really serious" about learning and being part of
the team we'd love to have your help.

The position would be making sure key packages are up-to-date in the
development repo and getting them backported.

This will mean becoming part of 3 teams in the end. Ubuntu Studio, MOTU
and backports team. Sounds harder than it it. Just takes the desire.

>> If you wanna chat real-time, #ubuntustudio-devel on Freenode.
> See, here's another thing I know nothing about! I've never used irc
> before. I'll turn up in #ubuntustudio-devel one of these days when I
> get the hang of how things work :-)

Pidgin can do it rather easily. There are many HOWTOs online.

-Cory K.

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