ppa with backported packages for hardy and intrepid

Khashayar Naderehvandi khashayar.lists at gmail.com
Fri Jan 2 21:17:00 GMT 2009

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Khashayar Naderehvandi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been trying to do two things in one: Learn a bit about
>> debian/ubuntu packaging + creating a ppa with up-to-date versions of
>> some of the applications that I would use myself, that is music
>> production applications, for hardy and intrepid.
>> The packages in my ppa are completely untested (this cannot be
>> stressed enough, I haven't even tested all of them myself), and they
>> are my first attempts ever of (re)packaging.
>> Now, my question is: Is there any interest in an archive like this? If
>> yes, would it be a good idea to start a team for backporting packages?
>> Is anyone interested in working on this?
>> Right now, the ppa holds, e.g:
>> * ardour 2.7
>> * audacity 1.3.6
>> * hydrogen 0.9.4beta2
>> * ffado 2.0-rc1
>> * jack 0.116.1
>> * kernel 2.6.24 for intrepid 64-bit
>> My idea is to keep to latest upstream versions of packages and avoid
>> experimental versions. The reason hydrogen 0.9.4-beta2 is there, is
>> because 0.9.3 never worked with jack+ffado for me, and the reason
>> ffado is there, is because jack+freebob never worked with my audio
>> device.
>> Personally, I think there should be a semi-official archive that
>> allows ubuntustudio users to upgrade to the latest and greatest
>> without leaving their distribution, be it hardy or intrepid. To me,
>> this became obvious when I realized I couldn't upgrade to intrepid due
>> to the realtime kernel problems. I really wanted a new version of
>> ardour, and hydrogen wouldn't work for me, and so on, so I ended up
>> compiling everything I needed locally, but if I'm doing it, there
>> might be others doing it as well, and some who don't know how to do
>> it. So why not sharing, eh?
>> Regards,
>> Khashayar.
>> (PS, I know I haven't included a link to the ppa. That's because all
>> packages aren't built yet, and I want to know what people think first.
>> Also, I have to come up with a way to REALLY STRESS that the packages
>> are completely untested :-))
> Khashayar, I have been kicking around the idea of having a official
> backporter on the team which would address exactly this. I was waiting
> until after the holidays to talk about it but what the hell.
> If you're interested, say so. We'll try to get a ball rolling.
Yes, I am :-)
But, I'm really serious when I say these are my first attempts at
packaging. So I will probably get stuck with things others wouldn't...

> If you wanna chat real-time, #ubuntustudio-devel on Freenode.
See, here's another thing I know nothing about! I've never used irc
before. I'll turn up in #ubuntustudio-devel one of these days when I
get the hang of how things work :-)

> -Cory K.

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