juan pablo
juanpablo.santacreu at
Fri Feb 6 23:29:30 GMT 2009
Thank you Philip for your information.
Maybe the problem is in the periods/frames and periods/buffer. The
configuration I used in my last test was:
Periods/frames: 64
Periods/buffer: 3
Tomorrow I have to make my second test and i´ll try the 256/2 that you comment.
And about your settings when mixing (1024/3)... why?? Is not
indifferent in the process of mixing?
Tomorrow I tell you the result.
And what about the noise gates and compressors for the mixing? I dont
know if this site is the correct site to talk about this
technicalities. If not.... please tell me.
Thanks to all
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Philip Schleihauf
<phil at> wrote:
> After doing a bit more research I've found that daisy-chaining two
> fireboxes is supposed to be impossible. Presonus' drivers can't do it.
> I never would have expected the open-source alternative to provide
> more functionality, that's just awesome.
> It seems like setting up multiple firepods on windows/mac is very
> complicated. I guess you can only use the outputs on one of them or
> something.... when I hook up both fireboxes I get all the inputs and
> all the outputs. I just plug them in and start jack.
> If I can get my hands on a laptop, I'll install UStudio on it and take
> it and my firebox to a music store and see if I can chain it with a
> firepod. Man, would it be nice to just run a FW cable out from the
> control room instead of all those XLRs or a snake, and still have some
> ins and outs available right on the desk.
> Anyway, getting back on-topic a bit, Juan:
> If you are using Ubuntu Studio, you will already have the RT
> (realtime) kernel. This will allow you to use much lower latency
> settings, without getting x-runs.
> In order to actually use RT, you need to make sure that RealTime is
> enabled from the "Setup" window in Jack Control.
> It should be the very first check box under Parameters.
> The other potential causes of x-runs are the frames/period, Sample
> Rate, Periods/buffer, and Audio.
> For simple sessions, these setting work for me:
> Frames/Period: 256
> Periods/Buffer: 2
> Most of the time I am recording music, which will most likely be
> distributed on CD. I use a sample rate of 44100 because that is the
> sample rate that CDs use. When I do music for movies, I use 48000,
> because that is the sample rate for DVDs. Perhaps someone will correct
> me on this, but I think converting from 48000 to 44100 Hz would
> actually result in slightly lower quality than something recorded at
> 44100.
> Just bear in mind that higher sampling rates mean higher latencies,
> and more processing power, which could contribute to x-runs.
> Finally, the Audio setting, which by default is at "Duplex", can be
> set to "Capture Only" if you are having lots of problems with x-runs.
> With this setup, you will not be able to play back audio from the
> computer. I don't think resorting to this is ever really needed,
> except in cases like my 2001 iBook which refuses to power my FireBOX
> unless it's at "Capture Only".
> These settings (at 44100 Hz) will produce 11.6 MSec of latency.
> That's.... good enough. If the singer needs to hear themselves through
> headphones, there will be a barely-noticeable delay. Anything under 10
> msec would be better, but that's where I start running into x-runs. If
> you don't need to monitor tracks, you can push the latency up to
> 69.7msec (1024 frames, 3 periods - default JACK settings), and you
> should be very safe from x-runs. I use this setting when mixing, and
> adding effects after the recording is done.
> Presonus products can technically do 0-latency monitoring. They can
> route inputs directly to outputs within the actual fire-whatever.
> However this is impossible (as far as I know) with linux. It has to be
> done from the Presonus software. I tried once to get that software to
> work under WINE, to no avail. Anyone have any luck getting 0-latency
> on presonus products?
> Sorry this message is so long.
> Good luck,
> Philip Schleihauf
> phil at
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:12 PM, suemac at <suemac at> wrote:
>> From what I've read on this on the windows side, the second pod needs to be
>> set to be slave. I also read something about setting them to sync via
>> spdif...
>> The fact that you've actually done it is promising.
>> There are some posts about defining which device is to be first and second.
>> Some of this may need to be configged in the pod. THe windows application
>> that shipps with them can do this, I'm wondering if the ffado-tools has
>> anything that can do the same.
>> Mac
>> Original Message:
>> -----------------
>> From: Philip Schleihauf phil at
>> Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 12:05:51 -0500
>> To: ubuntu-studio-users at
>> Subject: Re: Presonus
>> Hey
>> I've got a presonus firebox, which is the little version of the firepod I
>> guess.
>> When I use the RT kernel I don't get any x-runs, unless I set insane
>> parameters on the frames/period and periods/buffer.
>> As far as daisy-chaining goes:
>> I often daisy-chain it with my friend's firebox. It works very well.
>> There's only two problems:
>> 1- sometimes when I start JACK they are out of sync from each other by
>> the amount of latency that jack is set to. So If jack is at 11.6msec,
>> one of them will be at 11.6, but the other one will record at 23.2.
>> This problem is totally random. Sometimes it does this and sometimes it
>> doesn't.
>> 2- The order the connections show up in jack sometimes changes. This
>> can be very annoying if jack crashes in a session, and I have to
>> restart it; often the order will have switched. Then I have to redo
>> all the connections.
>> Presonus claims that daisy-chaining firepods works, but they don't say
>> that fireboxes can be daisy-chained. I think you'd be ok with the
>> firepods.
>> Does anyone know if it is possible to daisy-chain a firebox with a
>> firepod? That's my dream at this point.
>> Philip Schleihauf
>> phil at
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:47 AM, suemac at <suemac at>
>> wrote:
>>>>Original Message:
>>>>From: juan pablo juanpablo.santacreu at
>>>>Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:38:24 +0100
>>>>To: ubuntu-studio-users at
>>>>Subject: Presonus
>>> <snip>
>>>>I´m new in the list and, i´m very excited with ubuntu studio and my new
>>>>presonus firepod.
>>>>All seem to work fine. I get some xrun... maybe i still have to adjust
>>>>some parameter.
>>>>Someone in the list with the presonus firepod??
>>>>Some example of garage music recording, mixing and mastering with
>>>>ubuntu studio and the presonus?
>>> Hi Juan,
>>> I have a firepod. I hope to actually daisy chain two of them eventually
>> but
>>> it appears no one has attempted that in Linux land...
>>> I am using UBStudio hardy 64bit, so I have the rt kernel. I found if I got
>>> all the latest Jack, ardour, ffado, etc that xruns are very few.
>>> Mac
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