studio backups

Gustin Johnson gustin at
Sun Feb 1 18:20:06 GMT 2009

Kim Cascone wrote:
>> And to be fair Kim, it was 1 person. Hardly an ass-chewing. ;)
> and to return that fairness I didn't say 'ass-chewing' and I didn't  
> say that that took place here
> FWIW - the 'chewing out' occurred on the ubuntumini list
> you guys are better than that! ;)
> I simply asked the 'wrong' questions here
I am not sure what you mean by this.  I thought that it was good that
you were asking the question.  Backing up is something that is gets
mentioned a lot but is very rarely done.

> but yes many people use the tools for backing up that now come  
> bundled with OS X and XP
> rather than wading through the miasma of Linux utilities that exist  
> (UI and CLI)

What tools might these be?  From what I have seen, most people do not
even know about Windows "previous versions" and Time Machine.  In any
case, neither of these helps you if your hard drive dies, unless you are
saving the data to an external source, which requires someone to make a
change to the config, which most people don't do.

> and although most of them have community support
> they do not get explained in a clear and concise manner
> I done my time in the software industry and I've learned what it  
> takes to write a useful manual and/or a clear spec for something
> IMO: most FOSS manuals or instructions get a D for their work and  
> usually require some posting on forums to get the experience of  
> someone who worked thru the unwritten steps
The documentation is like all other software, hit and miss.  The one
difference is that with google I am usually able to find what I am
looking for.

I have yet to see documentation come with Windows that was useful (at
least since 3.1).  Cubase SX had pitiful documentation.  Of course you
can buy some $80+ books that do it right, but most of the time you don't
get this with the software itself and google is not as useful.

By comparison Python, Rosegarden, and bash are just a couple that come
to mind with excellent *free* documentation.  I am not a developer and
the reason I am still a FOSS user is that it is reasonably easy for us
mere mortals to figure this stuff out with nothing more than google and
a willingness to learn.  The documentation gap is another one of those
myths IMO.

>> I don't think your situation is all that common.
> really? nobody here has ever had to pop in a clone/mirror/backup/ up  
> their data in order to restore it to a new and larger drive?
> I find that hard to believe
clone/mirror/backup are different things that are suited to different
tasks.  I believe that it is important to backup your work, but most
people simply do not do it, regardless of the platform they use.
> in any event yes rsync is what some people use and I've tested Grsync  
> but not on command line yet
>> Personally, (dev hat off) saving a session in ~/ is nuts to me if HD
>> space is even a possibility of an issue. I do *everything* on another
>> drive. Just me. :)
> maybe sessions aren't stored there but aren't app settings and the like?
Nothing I really care about lives in ~/.  I too use a different drive
for sessions.  I then backup that drive which is easy to do.

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