Dssi-Vst and Ubuntu Studio

teza tsaliou75 at orange.fr
Wed Dec 9 11:23:10 GMT 2009

Hi, when you run dssi-vst, actually vsthost in a terminal, you've got
full access to the pluging even the the gui if the plugin got one, for
exemple I can run "Amplitube" with vsthost. for the compil there's no
troubles at all under Hardy, but there's a bug with Karmic, which can be
fix like this   


Le mardi 08 décembre 2009 à 23:58 +0100, Gerhard Lang a écrit :
> teza schrieb:
> > Hi all, I was wondering about the fact that we can find somme free vst
> > plugins on the web, why the UbuntuStudio tean does not include dssi-vst
> > package in the Os as a standard.
> > Regards
> > Teza
> >   
> My first attempts compiling dssi-vsti had not been really successful. 
> The vst integration into lmms had only very basal functions and no 
> working user interfaces. So I gave up and up to now I run the vst-hosts 
> as well as my commercial korg and a lot of free plugins in wine. I 
> connect and combine them over wineasio in jack with genuine linux 
> applications i.e. ardour, hydrogen, linuxsampler, rackarrack, zynadd.... 
> My favorite "vsti-hosts" are reaper - I abuse it just for this - and a 
> windows freeware named vsthost by herman seib 
> http://www.hermannseib.com/vsthost.htm Those settings run tolerably even 
> for live performance, but maybe I should give dssi-vst a try again. Does 
> dssi-vst give you full access to vsti's midi controls, menues, presets 
> and guis? Is dssi-vst ready for this? Has Steinberg made it's Asio stuff 
> opensource? Or is there a way to run these dlls without using 
> proprietary code?

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