Ubuntu Studio Art Manager

beejunk at gmail.com beejunk at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 13:24:47 BST 2009

On Aug 19, 2009 6:57am, Jussi Schultink <jussi01 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kiernan,

> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Kiernan Holland rofthorax at gmail.com>  
> wrote:

> Here's what is needed from the position:

> * Define a new design direction or update our current one.

> * Create a single theme, wallpaper and if you're really ballsy, an

> icon set. (i've been trying to get someone to head up a off-shoot

> of Breathe:

> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/UbuntuStudio)

> * Know the technicals of how these work together and on the system.

> * Know how to use BZR.

> * Be able to troubleshoot issues with the art packages.

> * Ability to communicate in a clear and timely manner.

> * Find new contributors for things like the website.

> Why the hell does this need the involvement of source code?

> First, May I ask you calm down a little, theres a spate of posts from you  
> and it seems you are getting a bit frustrated.

> This is like helping the wizards who are unaware of what it was like to  
> be an apprentice. Most musicians don't know anything about computers, I  
> dare you to find some who do. Most artists don't know anything about  
> computers.. I dare you to find some who do. Same with video  
> professionals.. While they still may know something about electrical  
> engineering and designing a NTSC black generator from the ground up, you  
> are not going to find a common ground in the code, or with puting  
> requirements on people, to write source code. This is totally  
> unacceptable, and this project and others will die with this approach.  
> This is why Linux sucks and Ubuntu needs to be different..

> The position being advertised is for an art lead on a _development_  
> project. This is not just a call for artwork etc, we have done that in  
> the past and there is a place for submission on the wiki. We are looking  
> for someone to coordinate and define the direction of the art, as well as  
> make sure it is implemented in ubuntu studio. So while I appreciate that  
> for users this stuff is not really suitable, for a member of a  
> development team it is.

> What is the UBUNTU motto? Linux for human beings.

> Yep exactly. but it still takes people with knowledge to make it that way.

> Consider the zip idea I mentioned

> GTK themes are already done with archive files (.tar.gz). However this is  
> more than just a theme, it is making sure that everything withing the  
> theme works, the look and feel of the desktop, and much more, as  
> mentioned in the above emails. Once again this is not just about users  
> submitting themes, it is about an Art lead position in a development team.

> Also, bzr is not actually that hard to use, it takes less than an hour to  
> learn competently (and I am not a coder before you jump on that). If you  
> would just like to peruse the code, you can look at the files section, as  
> linked from the pages corey gave:  
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/UbuntuStudio/files

> For anything that needs code, we could get packages that add special  
> widgets and such.. Theming is really just data.. So why isn't it as  
> simple as that.. Don't give me a lazy coder excuse.

> Please, I implore you to check out the actual situation before you make  
> allegations that we are "lazy coders".

> Jussi Schultink (jussi01)

Kiernan, I completely empathize with your frustrations with Linux, but I  
think your critique of Linux 'sucking' because it is not user-friendly is a  
bit misplaced. It can't be seriously claimed that Linux is a bad system,  
only that it is very difficult to use. However, many many people are okay  
with this, because this lack of user-friendliness quite often comes as a  
result of providing unparalleled versatility and stability.

Now, Ubuntu can quite fairly be criticized for having poor usability  
because this distribution's focus is on being a user-friendly desktop (as  
you mentioned). There is no doubt that Ubuntu is so far the best in this  
regard, but there is still a long way to go before it can be claimed to be  
truly easy to use for the average person. That's a part of the reason a lot  
of us are on this list, though: to help work towards making this a better  

At this point, though, it is best to just accept that some things will  
still take a lot of time to learn in Linux.
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