Help with M-Audio Delta 66 and ALSA

Kiernan Holland rofthorax at
Sat Aug 15 23:46:18 BST 2009

It should work, I figure.. But it does have AMI "made for vista" BIOS..
Or is it Phoenix that is trying to ruin the linux commuity..

As for the Dimension 9150, it isn't like my old XPS B800r that had the
proprietary ram and won a 10 from Maximum PC in 2000..  This 9150, is all
standard parts..  I bought it on ebay from someone (unaffiliated with Dell)
it arrived MB DOA, Dell transferred the warranty and sent a guy out to
replace the MB. You just have to convince the tech support that it is
definately DOA.. For the record my B800r was DOA, and they replaced MB on
that too. However, I've heard Dell laptops suck.. Note, Dell has a deal with
Canonical to make Ubuntu based netbooks. Supposedly Dell's CEO uses Ubuntu
(typical linux usage rumors).   The 9150 has a huge latch for opening the
case, and a big latch for unlocking all the card slots, it takes me abotu 30
seconds to swap out a card, plus space for 6 drives ( 2 internal, 4 front
external, front CPU fan, heat sink and chute), 4 sata connectors, about 6
USB2's in back and 2 in front.  It feels solid, not flimsy like some

This video shows the internals:

 I have a NVidia 9800GT on it, and Ubuntu Studio 9.04 dual booted with XP
(for games, don't trust it for anything else). In wine I've played the
entire Valve Orange Box (HL2, Ep1 and Ep2, Portal, and TF2 plays), Oblivion
(not far enough into it),  Prey (it sucks but I completed it), COD 4 (I'm
almost to the end of the game), Flatout 2 (completed), and I just got
Fallout 3 working (okay if you don't mind 3D artifacts like mispatched point
clouds, missing eyes and heads).  Quake Wars is native of course, and Voip
works, so .. But if you like pinball, there is an installer for future
pinball on wine (get the "Black Knight"). Believe it or not I have videos
demonstrating all of those games  (and the KISS, Globe Trotters and Elton
John pinball machines) I want to find some tables with the subsurface






I have Ubuntu 9.04 on my IBM T30 (IBM makes excellent laptops, too bad
Lenovo has the ball.  My Acer Aspire has Ubuntu 9.04 and XP (I got the XP
model because it seems you need more memory to run Windows and you get a
hard drive, while on the linux one you only get a solid state drive. Though
I can only stand laptops with the track-points *and three thumb buttons)..
Touch pads must die a cruel death.

Music from my T30 with Jack and ZynAddSubFx (goto 5:38, Tomita-ish improv on
a 5 dollar midiboard):

Some sound routing with my YPT-300, JackRack and ZynAddSubFx:

Second half of this video demonstrates Bristol (vintage synth emulator, not
as good as ZynAddSubFX, but controllable via Jack):

Jack is not really reliable enough to use live, but it can be used for
recording work. When I do a big setup it tends to drop the minute it hits
quite a few Xruns, I don't know if that's Jack or ZynAddSubFx (very
unstable). LMMS has Zyn as a builtin module. I want to do a remake of "Mr.
Blue Sky" with a vocoder with Ardour.. Sometime.. Why I'm up here is to
figure out how to get dual cores to work well with Jack because it seems to
prefer single cores. That's why I'm building the EE machine.. After this
letter I'm going to go over and attack it, see if I can't get it going.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Lindsay Haisley <fmouse at> wrote:

> On Sat, 2009-08-15 at 09:41 -0600, Kiernan Holland wrote:
> > I'm making a machine just for this, it's also not for wusses
> > either :^) though it looks simple than swapping out LCD's on a laptop
> > (yes, I've never put one together)..  Tiger direct is selling
> > refurbished Nvidia i750 motherboards.
> Nvidia doesn't have a good reputation for cooperation with F/OSS.
> They've made some progress, but I don't know if I'd choose an Nvidia MB
> for a Linux installation.  It might be more work than it's worth.
> --
> Lindsay Haisley       | "Fighting against human creativity is like
> FMP Computer Services |   trying to eradicate dandelions"
> 512-259-1190          |    (Pamela Jones)
>    |
> --
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