Upgrading Jaunty to Studio?

beejunk at gmail.com beejunk at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 02:48:32 BST 2009

On Aug 6, 2009 1:17pm, Natalia Rakowski <n_rakowski at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone -

> I'm new to this list. I've searched the archives for an answer, but did  
> not find one.

> I have a fresh install of Jaunty that I would like to update to Ubuntu  
> Studio. I was expecting to do a simple command line update like I have in  
> the past, but the instructions seem to be more complicated for Jaunty:

> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation

> For previous versions, the docs say to use the following command:

> sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-desktop  
> ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics  
> ubuntustudio-video linux-rt

> Is it not possible to do an upgrade this way with Jaunty or have the docs  
> not been updated? The docs I'm looking at are here:  
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation

> Any info is greatly appreciated!

> -- Natalia

Hi, Natalia. Since you're new, you should also know that the etiquette on  
this list is to post on the bottom of the quoted text when replying, not on  
the top.

As for your question, it will work perfectly fine for you to just install  
the Ubuntu Studio metapackages: ubuntustudio-audio,  
ubuntustudio-audio-plugins, ubuntustudio-graphics and ubuntustudio-video.  
You should probably not install the ubuntustudio-desktop packages due to  
some conflicts with the regular Ubuntu desktop. This is why the  
instructions link you to the Ubuntu Studio Preparation page. That page is  
actually just a guide to installing most of the individual packages to be  
found in Ubuntu Studio, which essentially makes your machine like Ubuntu  
Studio, just without certain features (as the first line in the  
instructions indicates).

In the end, I'd recommend just downloading the metapackages, minus desktop,  
because this also updates certain config files (like  
/etc/security/limits.conf) for you.
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