Forging a new path.

Cory K. coryisatm at
Sun Apr 12 03:26:06 BST 2009

Scott wrote:
> I think those questions would have been quickly answered if UBS was more focused on 
> being a trim distro in the spirit of a dedicated DAW instead of incorporating 
> everything from Ubuntu-desktop

We've never done that. Matter of fact, we take out quite a bit. Do a
clean install without the metas and you see just how sparse it is
compared to Ubuntu. (be sure we'll get crap for not having the new
notification setup) Where issues come in is supporting apps that don't
use JACK. *Regardless* of if its a audio/video/graphics app.

And *part* of that increased focus was due to the fact that to include
the audio apps people wanted put us over 700MB /anyway/. So, why not
expand a bit? I feel including Video and Graphic apps were great for
their promotion.

So yes. 1 idea is to flush it all and focus on JACK. But note, it's just
an idea and the future will be crafted by those involved.

-COry K.

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