Removing Lilypond

Joseph Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Tue Sep 23 13:35:58 BST 2008

David Stocker wrote:
> I'm trying to remove LilyPond 2.10.33 (which came bundled with Ubuntu 
> Studio 8.04) so that I may install the latest version of the program. A 
> typical installation of LilyPond contains an uninstall script that can 
> be run by double-clicking an icon labeled 'uninstall-lilypond' but this 
> file is nowhere to be found on the system. I also tried uninstalling it 
> through the synaptic package manager, however doing so will apparently 
> affect the installation of Rosegarden, which I don't want to do. (I 
> believe Rosegarden depends on LilyPond for it's notation output).
> Another option would be to simply install the latest version of LilyPond 
> and change the path by which the command 'lilypond' accesses the program 
> executables. However, since I'm new to Linux, I would probably need 
> assistance in doing so.
> Does anyone on the forum have any advice?

Use the command,

sudo aptitude remove lilypond lilypond-doc


You only need to use the lilypond uninstall script if you installed
using Lilypond's shell installer -- the version bundled with Ubuntu
Studio can be installed and uninstalled using Ubuntu's package
management system.

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