using Rosengarten, cutting .wave

Christian Masser christian_masser at
Tue Sep 2 00:40:50 BST 2008


if you simply want to cut the wave-file into several pieces you can use  
audacity. Just import the file there, select the part you want to seperate  
and do "file"->"export selection".

greetings from austria

Am 02.09.2008, 01:27 Uhr, schrieb Eva Vossmerbäumer  
<eva.vossmerbaumer at>:

> *Hello everyone!
> I am Eva, new here, a violinist wanting to use those wonderful Ubuntu  
> tools
> to be able to tinker with the music recordings I have just made with a
> guitarrist.
> I need to first of all cut a large wave file into separate pieces....
> (As you might notice, I am pioneering the use of creative media software  
> -
> but maybe one of you has a helpful push for me?!)
> So I downloaded the program * Rosengarten *...
> .wave does not seem to be supported in there.
> Do I need another sequencing program, in order to simply cut that wave  
> file?
> Which one?
> And Rosengarten (I might want to use it for other things) tells me to run
> the JACK server.
> In which settings do I find him...? Help Ubuntu does not give me any  
> result
> for JACK.
> I anybody knows, or just works with Rosengarten himself, or knows  
> anything
> else, I am very grateful to know.
> Thank you a lot,
> and greetings from New York,
> Eva*

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