what does thte lack of a realtime kernel mean

Gustin Johnson gustin at echostar.ca
Wed Nov 5 20:07:03 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

aYo Binitie wrote:
> Hi There,
> I've been mulling over whether or not to go to Intrepid. I must confess
> the release note stating the failure of 'real-time kernel' has put me
> off. However I'm quite new to Ubuntuland and would like to know what
> exactly this means in term of performance. I'm no sound or video
> designer, I just like Ustudio but, do a heavy amount of Asctionscript
> development on it. What does the lack of a realtime kernel mean??

Real time kernels are really only applicable to us audio types.  In
regular day to day to use you will not notice any difference (the
standard Ubuntu kernel is not real time btw).

For us audio people, the RT issue is probably a deal breaker for
upgrading right now.  Fortunately we do not have to upgrade immediately
until these issues are sorted.  It will work eventually, this is just
one of those things.

The ubuntu 6 month release is not really well suited to large software
projects, open source or otherwise.  I do not even see this as a "real"
problem.  8.04 is perfectly capable (as is 64Studio which has even older

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