First impressions - what's JACK?

Tomas Valusek tvalusek at
Sun Nov 2 13:26:57 GMT 2008


Hakan Koseoglu napsal(a):
> Jack is a daemon that provides connection services between various applications.
> If you have Ubuntu Studio installed, in the menus look for "Jack
> Control". After that all you need to do is hit the start button. If
> everything goes well, its display will say "Started". After that you
> can use Jack-supporting software. You can create connections between
> various applications (rerouting inputs and outputs) with the "Connect"
> button.

Thanks for explanation. Is it possible to configure JACK to start itself 
automatically during boot?

> There is also a very helpful, generic mailing group called Linux Audio
> Users in, I would recommend subscribing to that
> mailing group since quite a lot of linux and audio creation questions
> and answers happen there.

Yes, I'm subscribed to this group already.

Tomas Valusek

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