OT: How to split the ubuntu-studio iso file

Christopher Stamper christopherstamper at gmail.com
Sat May 3 18:43:19 BST 2008

Thanks Sean. Very good ideas.

Trouble with that is, I'm not actually allowed to reboot the pc.
Technically, I['m not even allowed to use a flash drive, but everyone does,
and the librarians have no problems with it.

But it's right next to their desk, and they would be sure to notice if I did
that. And I'd also get in trouble for circumventing their time and user
control system.

Not worth it. I think I'll just use my PowerIso thing. :-)

If you're wondering why I haven't done it yet, it's because M$ delayed the
XP SP3 release because of some huge problem. Figures, huh?

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Sean Darby <sean at seandarby.com> wrote:

> To the original individual with the questions:
> The "split" command will do it, if you are able to access the file on a
> *nix system and if you are simply needing to transfer it over from one
> computer to another.
> You could also try installing a small *nix set-up on your flash drive
> for transferring files over from one computer to another.
> If that doesn't work, the "split" command might still come in handy at
> some point down the road.
> You'd like to split an iso file:
> file.iso = 1.1GB
> You can split it into multiple smaller files:
> split -b 680m file.iso
> (You can use an amount other than 680.)
> (The "-b" = "bytes" (size) of each split file.)
> (k for KB, m for MB, etc... k, m, g, t, p, e, z, y.)
> The output files:
> xaa xab xac (etc.)
> (You might want to rename those to something like "xaa_filename"
> "xab_filename" etc., though that may not be necessary if this is the
> only file you're splitting.)
> Later, after transferring the files from one computer to another:
> cat xaa xab xac > file.iso
> or:
> cat xa* > file.iso
> This will put it back into the original state.
> It can help when using a flash drive, though you might have to make
> multiple file transfers to and from the different mediums. In any case,
> that's split and cat.
> More below...
> > |>> That's just what I wanted. But how? I can't install any software on
> the
> > |> pc...
> If you can put something like DSL (Damn Small Linux) on the flash drive,
> or something smaller (even DSL is starting to get "fat") - perhaps a
> Unix system instead - you might be able to pull it off.
> Several systems can be installed with just the "base" applications. If
> you exclude X apps (for GUI) you'll save a ton of space right away.
> > |>>>> I'll be using a public Window$ XP SP1 PC, with hardly any
> privileges.
> When you get to the public Windows-based computer, you turn it off,
> insert the flash drive, turn the computer on and hit the proper key to
> select boot options (F2, F8, F12, etc.). It usually tells you early in
> the boot process which key does it. It will usually - even on
> restrictive computers - let you boot into the other system then.
> Once you have booted into another OS, you have complete control.
> If you can manage, you might consider getting a larger flash drive to
> allow for ease in this whole process.
> > |>>>> I'm looking around, it seems to be possible. But it needs to be
> > |> portable, (on my flash drive {no privileges}) so it's kinda hard.
> Maybe
> > |> impossible. I was just hoping someone else had done this.
> I visited a university out of town a while back, got onto a computer at
> their library (it had a lot of restrictions), booted into my
> OpenBSD/Unix flash drive (USB), I think it was a 2 GB stick, and did my
> work on there - including internet.
> > |>>>>>> The problem is, I have dialup. So I need to go to our library
> and
> > |>>>>>> download it on my 1gb flash drive. But it's too big.
> Yeah, a larger flash drive would help a lot. They've come down in price.
> In a case like this having 1 flash drive with a lot more space on it is
> more appropriate than several smaller flash drives.
> Best of luck,
> Sean
> --
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Christopher Stamper

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