Hardy doesn't recognize usb turntable

Andrew Hunter andrew at aehunter.net
Sat May 3 13:45:51 BST 2008

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Andrew Hunter wrote:
| Fred Schuelzky wrote:
| | Andrew Hunter wrote:
| | Fred Schuelzky wrote:
| | | Andrew Hunter wrote:
| | | Fred Schuelzky wrote:
| | | | Hello
| | | |     I upgraded to Hardy last nite, and so far I can't get the os to
| | | see my
| | | | usb turntable. I couldn't get it to work properly under Gutsy but it
| | | was
| | | | recognized.
| | |
| | | Please attach the output of "lsusb -v" and "dmesg | tail" (after
| | | in the device).
| | |
| | | Thanks,
| | |
| | | Andrew.
| | |
| | |>
| |
| | | Hi Andrew
| | |     Was it you that answered a previous message of mine??  Some how I
| | | lost those messages in the bowels of Thunderbird, sorry.
| |
| | | The attachment is in abiword format couldn't get it to paste into open
| | | office format.
| |
| | A plain text file would be preferable. You can redirect the output of
| | the commands with  the > operator in bash. ie:
| |
| | lsusb -v > lsusb.txt
| |
| | Then attach lsusb.txt
| |
| |
| | Thanks,
| |
| | Andrew
| |>
| | Andrew
| | 	Where does the output from this command go lsusb -v > lsusb.txt? I ran
| | it in shell and nothing seems to happen.
| Look in the directory you ran the command in. You can specify it
| explicitly. For example lsusb -v > ~/lsusb.txt will redirect the output
| to lsusb.ext in your home folder.

lsusb.txt rather.

| | Thanks Fred
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