Gary Ball - Look here for cheap stuff

Gary Ball gball at
Sun Mar 16 02:23:16 GMT 2008

Thanks, I just bought a card from tiger direct that sez it works  for  
linux systems (CMI-8738 chip) $12.98 (Can).
I'll let you all know how it goes...

Gary Ball

Tel.: 905-632-6263 • Cell:905-580-0587
gball at

On 15-Mar-08, at 8:43 PM, jth1 wrote:

> Gary, I'm another old fart  walkin the same path.
> Here's a tip - check your local Goodwill store for used
> computers and parts.  The store in Beaumont, Tx . (medium sized town)
> has lotsa  parts, whole systems, service, etc.
> I built the machine I'm using from there but JACK  don't
> work for me either.  Good Hunting
>   Jim Hayes
>> On Friday 14 March 2008, Gary Ball wrote:
>>> * Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi
>>> emulation...                            [fail]
>> Hard to say why this is, but it looks like either the snd-seq-midi  
>> module
>> isn't loading, or maybe it's a problem like JACK is having.
>>> Sorry. The audio interface "hw:0" doesn't support any of the  
>>> hardware
>>> sample formats that JACK's alsa-driver can use.
>> That's a weird one, and doesn't look encouraging.
>>> This is my system hardware. it's old, but so am I.
>> I don't even see a soundcard listed here.  I eliminated things  
>> that weren't
>> soundcards until the list was gone.  Your subject line says "SB-awe
>> soundcard."  Just what do you have in here?  I would guess perhaps  
>> you have
>> an old ISA AWE-32 in there.  Is that right?  That would make  
>> sense, since
>> that's not a PCI card, and it didn't show up in a list of PCI  
>> devices.
>> If it really is an ISA card, the short story is please move  
>> along.  In fact,
>> let's just move along no matter what, because it doesn't sound  
>> like this card
>> could be worth any struggle.  No use putting a lot of effort into  
>> getting
>> unsatisfactory results.
>>> Could it be the sound card is too old? If so, can anyone recommend a
>>> linux friendly alternative.
>> Almost anything manufactured after 1997 should work reasonably  
>> well.  What are
>> you trying to do?  What's your budget?
>> You can go cheaper and still see acceptable results, but if you're  
>> of a Studio
>> bent, you can't go wrong with anything mAudio from the Audiophile  
>> 24/96 on
>> up.  These are good cards that work really well.
>> If you can't afford one of those, I can dig around to try to come  
>> up with a
>> recommendation for something else of current manufacture.  The  
>> stuff I used
>> to recommend the most is no longer in production, and I'm not  
>> really sure
>> what's out there these days, since my own soundcards are old.   
>> Just not as
>> old as yours!  :)
> -- 
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