Trouble with setting up Jack

antoine clémot enaoutan at
Sun Jun 8 12:56:55 BST 2008

To make easily drums you can use hydrogen. You can use the soundbanks and
add some files in .wav or .flac (samples, anything you want but it reads it
entirely, that is until the end of your audio file).
Zynaddsubfx (a modular synthesizer) has some interesting soundbanks, and you
can change the sound like you want! Use the virtual keyboard (button VKB) to
play the sounds with your keyboard.
To do multiple tracks use ardour or audacity (the last is less convinient
'cose you don't have a mixer to manage your different tracks, but maybe
easier to use at the beginnig ;).
With Jackrack you can play FX on your voice or whatever you want in realtime
(the latency depending on your system and soundcard).
Qjackctl is a soundserver allowing you to connect the inputs/outputs of your
soundcard (as well as the ones of your audio softwares) in any ways you want
it to work. It synchronizes all that.
Follow the tutorial to make qjackctl work. I have only one bad new : under
8.04 ubuntu studio Jack is realllllly not stable... I just moved to Studio64
(and it works well) : try both!!!

2008/6/8 Carla <poppinlockin at>:

> OK I have 8.04 Ubuntu studio. I have soundonboard which is AC '97 and a
> Intel 1.8gig cpu, 512mhz rambus. Um how much more details? I can get a full
> report as I have a program on the windows drive that does that. I will be
> getting a proper soundcard at some point. I want to be able to make music
> with linux but I don't know what all these programs do yet. I used to use
> loops a lot but want to get more into making my own beats. I will use
> whatever program to record vocals and use effects on them. I make Hip Hop
> basically.
> Carla
> *antoine clémot <enaoutan at>* wrote:
> Hi!
> You have to give some details on the distribution you work with, your
> soundcard and your hardware, and what do u want exactly???
> 2008/6/8 Carla <poppinlockin at>:
>> Hi I have Ubuntustudio installed and previously had some of the audio
>> production stuff on Ubuntu 6.10 and Debian. I have never been able to get
>> Jack happening therefore have not started any type of production because i
>> have no sound. I would appreciate someone that just doesn't send me a link
>> as I have read all the help pages. I don't understand them. I have been
>> battling for months and have a background in audio using a studio(Mac and
>> protools). I have also used a lot of programs in windows for years like acid
>> pro, free pro tools, Ejay(Hip Hop), Cool Edit etc. I have also noticed that
>> there are a lot of apps in this distro that have the name Jack so I have no
>> idea which is which.
>> Carla
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