many problems after upgrade to Hardy

Gustin Johnson gustin at
Tue Jul 15 11:18:38 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

|     As for the kernel, you will need to install that manually using
|     synaptic or apt-get (just search for the latest kernel and install
|     it). Don't uninstall your old one, this way you can reboot into it if
|     the new one breaks.
| I'll try the new user, though I'm reluctant--I use the same user name on
| all my systems.

Should not have to create a new user.  If the new kernel is indeed
installed you may have to update grub.  See below.

| I had already checked the kernel in Synaptic before reading your post.
| It said the latest one was installed; I tried reinstalling it, as well
| as linux-image-rt, and linux-rt, but still I have only old kernels on
| the GRUB menu; maybe I have to manually edit the GRUB menu list?  Aren't
| they supposed to get added when they're installed?

update-grub is your friend.  For some reason this was not run
automatically on your machine during the install.  Was your install
interrupted?  It doesn't really matter unless you are trying to
reproduce the problem for a bug report.

Once you have updated grub you should notice a significant improvement.
~ When you are booting into the new kernels it is a good idea to remove
the old ones.

| There are a couple of huge long threads on Ubuntu forums on all kinds of
| things that happened to people's systems when they upgraded to Hardy,
| which is why I waited so long, hoping bugs would get reported and
| fixed.  I'm glad this one is LTS; I'm going to skip the next release or
| two so I can have everything working for a while before an upgrade can
| mess it up again.

Hundreds of installs out of how many thousands (tens, hundreds, or
more)?  Don't be fooled into thinking there is an epidemic on this basis
alone.  Of course you are free (and encouraged) to come to your own
conclusions.  I do not intend to start a flame war over this.  Our
experiences differ and that is about as far as we are going to get.

At any rate I hope that update-grub does the trick.  You should not need
any switches or other command line options though you do need sudo or
admin privileges.

| I hope it doesn't get to the point where you have to re-install every
| time like Windows.
Only time will tell, though the track record of Debian and it's
relatives over the past 10 years gives me cause to be optimistic.  No
point spreading FUD about it.
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