JACK almost working

Carla poppinlockin at yahoo.com.au
Sat Jul 12 04:10:14 BST 2008

--- On Tue, 8/7/08, Norio De Sousa <norio at maxiware.co.za> wrote:
From: Norio De Sousa <norio at maxiware.co.za>
Subject: Re: JACK almost working
To: "Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion" <ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Received: Tuesday, 8 July, 2008, 1:29 PM

2008/7/7 Joe Bain <mrjoebain at gmail.com>:

Glad I could help, I remember being stuck on this problem myself. As for xruns, i get quite a few, about 1 a minute, it was better before 8.04 but i've not been able to get my setup back to it's old performance. I should probably get in the habit of not using gnome when i'm doing music, the difference when using something like fluxbox can be quite dramatic.

Hey Joe :)

Glad to report that I'm one happy Jack camper!  Can't believe that something so simple eluded me for so long.  Ridiculous!  You're a lifesaver.  

Will definitely give a lighter WM a go.  I used to us xubuntu a while ago, so maybe I'll start using XFCE for my recording account.  Thanks for the suggestion.  What's your site/blog/whatever.  I'd like to link to you so people can see the real brains behind my success here :P

I'll be posting this on www.norio.co.za and
www.guitarforum.co.za (where I have a thread going on recording guitar
in Linux as affordable as possible).  I'm hoping to, like you, save
people from the same hassles I went through to get something recorded! 
There's so much genius out there (currently stuck on Windows) that, if we can just help them out a little, the
Linux music scene can grow exponentially!

By the way, Jack-Rack with Caps LADSPA plugins is pretty darned
awesome!  They simulate, for example, Bassman '59s and so on.  And it
actually has a pretty cool valve-y sound.  I'm uber impressed.  Just wish I understood how it works so I could code something up (say something along the lines of a Mesa Boogie :D) but, alas, I don't think my PHP skillz will cut it ;)

 And to Carla, sorry you haven't got it working yet. How far have you gotten and what happens when you try to run jack? I'm no expert but I'm sure someone can help you out. 

Yup, Carla, let us know.  Let's see if we can help.  Jack can be quite a pain in the butt till you understand how it all fits together and stuff.  Then it's child's play, really.

(Waves at Cory.  Hi :D)


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Gosh it is confusing as to where i type. I have never typed at the bottom of emails before. Ok well I get really no where with Jack. I have read every tutorial in site but I don't really understand where to go with it at all. I am not plugging in any external devices except a microphone sometimes so do i really need Jack? I used to have audacity on my notebook and happily used it but then someone told me about Jack and it has been a pain from then on. I am still pretty new to Linux so I would like to be able to do something simple before I get complicated. I doubt with my lack of funds will ever get any more sophisticated in my setup.

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