"We're not gonna take it!" :P

Haig Dedeyan hdedeyan at videotron.ca
Tue Jan 29 16:01:56 GMT 2008

> The start for the documentation would imho be some structure that would
> allow it to easily find, access and add to it (I just find the current
> wiki more confusing than anything else).
> Just my 2c
> Best Regards
> 	Philipp

Completely agree. Having documents in 1 place is ideal. Sort of a 1 stop 
shop for docs.

 From my point of view, perhaps non dev people can volunteer & maintain 
this site:



- Forums should be on that site and specific to Ubuntu Studio rather 
than having people goto the generic ubuntu forums
- IRC - scrap them. There's nothing but flame wars & trolls on them.
- How To's - have a list of docs OR, better yet, if forums were setup on 
this page, dedicate 1 forum for How To's and only have a certain group 
add/edit/delete while everyone else just has read rights.


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