Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 51 re: multimedia course usage of ubuntu studio

"Yosif ali" Roque Morales queroph at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 08:49:52 GMT 2008

Mr. Bharani Prasanth Sure
Mr. Thomas fisher
Everybody in the Ubuntustudio and Ubuntu Community

Dear Sirs:

Thank you very much for your responses to mt querries. As a further
continuation of your question re: Multimedia course instruction i have
attached the school link where we mark what courses we offer so you may have
an idea of what we normally would need as an alternative to
Cut-off-the-shelf (COTS) software:(please click the link: *
http://aabcschoolblogs.blogspot.com/ ):*

*AABC Course offerrings <http://aabcschoolblogs.blogspot.com/>*

We do hope our community could advise us also. itll be a great help to our

 Roque Santos Morales
School Administrator
Asian Academy of Business and Computers
Professor, Sociology, Strategic Studies and Islamology
Ubuntulinux user
Linux machine # 365046.
Mobile number +639275642816

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 19:26:11 +0530
From: Bharani Prasanth Sure <bharaniprasanth at hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 49
To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
       <ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Message-ID: <BLU130-W116F4A91E98797267B5F78B3560 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Yep you can use that..Linux audio is much more complex that would cover a
one year course...video editing is little bit amateur..I guess...please
mention the exact curriculum here so as to get better answers...

Best Regards,Bharani Prasanth Sure.

Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:04:57 -0700
From: thomas fisher <studio1 at commspeed.net>
Subject: Re: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 49
To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <200712291204.57291.studio1 at commspeed.net>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="utf-8"

If I am reading this correctly your school is well under way. When I use the
term "multimedia" it's meaning is huge. When I refer to a modern Linux
release  such as the Debian / Ubuntu, my mind automatically includes the
application repositories that are part of that { at last count about

 For your reference this is the Ubuntu family repository:

 For your ref. this is the Linux audio users and developer list and
 Many advanced musicians, teachers, program audio authors.
 http://lad.linuxaudio.org/archive/lau.html     <---- this is the searchable
archive. It is a treasure trove of many years.

 For your ref.  Bob Katz a { non Linux } professional audio engineer site.
 Many fine articles at this address.
   His book "Mastering Audio" would be a treasure for your students.

Audio Video:
 For your ref.  Jay Rose a { non Linux } professional video audio engineer.
 Many fine articles at this address.
   His two books on video audio would be very fine for your students.
     "Producing Great Sound for Digital Video"
     "Audio Postproduction for Digital Video"

Graphics 3D:
 Within the application " K3D " it is able to pull on a number of "
engines"  one of which is called " aqsis" which opens the door to "
Renderman" the magic behind Lucas films and Disney.
  http://www.aqsis.org/xoops/modules/news/    <--- AQSIS, there are others.
  http://www.smartcg.com/tech/cg/books/RfB/home/index.html  <-- good
Beginning Renderman  book.
 http://www.rendermanacademy.com/docs/ClassFrame01.php?sel=1  <-- Do not get

 I hope this answers some of what you were wanting to know. It is by no
means, exhaustive. High resolution digital computing is very hardware
Lots of core memory, disks, processors, high speed I/O. Welcome aboard.
Please encourage your students to become active in the Open Source
The Linux audio developers could use some support.
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